We Support our military families
Bishop Flaget School respects the sacrifices that our military families give to keep us all safe. Because of this, we feel that it is our responsibility to do all that we can to support the families of our soldiers. Bishop Flaget School is committed to helping military families as they transition into and out of our community and school as well as providing support and helping to meet their needs while members of our school community.
Ways BFS supports our military families:
Provides a liaison between school and families - Mrs. Terrina Fahnestock, tfahnestock@cdeducation.org
Keeps staff informed of special considerations necessary to military families through workshops and training
Provides updated resources to help military families in a plethora of areas.
Provides service learning opportunities to students to reach out to deployed family members through cards and care packages.
Partners with the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Chillicothe to provide help and service to our disabled and hospitalized veterans.
Military Family Resources: